Thursday, September 11, 2008


What do you get when you combine these:

With this?

Bike porn.

Not to forget my boy:

He rips on the road.

Loves it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Shit creek, averted

Didn't go to the library, didn't go to buy blank dvds, didn't do Las Vegas. I mean clean the bathroom.

Slept in till 2 pm. Surprisingly.

I did wax the bikes and replace the fraying cable though.

Changing cables on 970 XTR is a cinch compared to 951.

Good thing I crashed when I did. Could have ended up shit creek without a paddle.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

How restful

- Because everyday is exciting TM -

So I finally got cable television.

Here's the holiday so far:

Vacuumed and mopped the home.
Ended up doing 2 years worth of cleaning up all in one go - then mopping.
(see previous posts)

1. Returned Philip's toothbrush
2. Signed up for cable vision

3. Got my teeth checked at the dentist
4. Got a facial

1. Rode Gina offroad
2. Crashed my bike for the first time.

3. Discovered that my r-dee cable was on the verge of snap (frayed), decided to go home since didn't have spare cable with me.
4. Used the extra time to clean both bikes with Dettol & jet-spray.

5. Washed half the bathroom at the same time while I'm there. Damned grout.

Here's how its going to go.

1. Wax the bike.
2. Wash the other half of bathroom
3. Visit grandma
4. Feed Felicia
5. Visit the library
6. Buy blank dvds (dual layer)

The bike is fine. I'm not too bad either. It wasn't really a crash, I simply fell off my bike doing a jump at Gangsa. I nailed the 2 foot but something happened with my 3 foot. Not enough speed or not enough pull up or too much rebound, tts my guess.

By the way I've switched out my 100mm stem for a 70mm one. Made such a huge difference.

Actually I think I scrubbed speed with my front when I should have just dragged the rear. What a noob mistake. That plus the rebound threw me over the bars except that I was going east while the bike was going west. Handle torqued off the stem by 20 degrees or so, no breaks or scratches.

Oh, and apparently Gina is Italian for Queen.


Friday, September 5, 2008

what is 10mm?

I have taken leave to consolidate my brain.

Look, I made 130mm travel.

The fork is plush but not bottoming out yet. Need a higher drop. I shall not need the softer spring after all.

So who says I don't dare jump my carbon frame?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Come again another day

Note: if you ride in the rain with an Ibis Mojo, or any other frame with no holes for racks or fenders, do what I do.

Turn your frame upside down.

It smells like drain water.

Thank goodness I've gone non-ferrous for more than 10 years.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Is this frame really 10 years old?

I've ridden the hell out of it.

Yet that paint job is just completely outstanding.

Better than the Mojo's really.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Ultimate Ride Report

I guess the joy of cycling for me is that:

You were someone when you started your trip,


By the time you finish it, you could be someone totally else....

I'm really seriously drunk now...

I had some other thoughts but I can't recall them now....

Just one...

I'd like to be someone else than what I am now.

What am I now?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Olympic Ordeal

My trip to Ubin today cost me 18 dollars.

10 for the trip there, and 8 dollars for the puncture that I'm going to have to replace with a new tube.

I've had nothing but soup for the last 3 days.

I'm going to rest for now.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

To Infinity, And Beyond!

But first, to Mount Ketam Park, Pulau Ubin.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Always the journey, never the arrival

Except this once today.

Today was a mini-deadline day, so I was happy not to have gotten this flat on the way to work.

Although, I had to be home earlier to help Dad with ghost festival offerings, so I did not appreciate the time needed to fix the flat.

I DID get the wheel back into the frame on the first try though.

3 flats in 3 months.

Time to get new tires.

Still alive

The same instincts that help you survive on the roads of Singapore, will probably help you survive on the roads of any other country.

I.e. help other drivers, don't be an asshole, always know if someone is driving a bigger vehicle than you are (hence has more cause to be careful) and give them the fucking way every time.

Hard to understand?

Since when did anyone do a comparison of the average driver across nations?

Still alive but I'm pretty drunk now after doing a 30 km cross ride along Chinatown and downtown back to home.

Drunk does not equal tiredness, just plenty of memories that just refuse to quit.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bike Day Afternoon

Not dead, just busy at work.

Some ride pics from the weekend.

Going to ride out later and see if I can find a helmet I like.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lornie Jam

Like toe jam, but not as gross.

I woke up at 2pm today and decided to ride in to the office anyway.

Something I've discovered: when pedestrians cross the road, they always cross in a way that they would intersect my path if I don't slow down or swerve to avoid them.

Odd, that.

Also, the faster I go, the further I ride from the double yellow lines.

Anyway there was a honking big jam at Lornie Road. It was too hot to pull out a camera so I'll just lavish you with words instead: I hopped onto the pavement and rode out the jam.

Apparently some truck had broken down and hit some other car in the front, on the rightmost lane.

Shit happens. What is interesting though, is the truck needed towing. What kind of accident totals the engine block but only dents the bumper?

The bee's knees


Also, the nephew.

Ok I am corny. Generations of my relatives already know that.

Listened to a radio programme on osteoarthritis on the way home (and beer round after-ride) and realised that I'm going to have to stop stomping on gears and start spinning.

Right knee has already given signs of stress over the past month.

I'm a stomper not a spinner.

Nevertheless it'll be a few more years before I really feel it.

But here. Say it with me.

"I told you so."

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

10 things I hate/love about commuting by bike

I hate:

10. People who are waiting for a cab at kerbside always seem to only raise their hands up to flag a cab when I'm passing by, requiring me to swerve.

9. Rubbish trucks, that like to drive up alongside me and then overtake, very slowly.

8. Rubbish juice.

7. Punctures.

6. Chainsuck.

5. Drivers who honk.

4. Drivers who don't signal their turns.

3. Drivers who turn into your path, knowing full well that you're going to have to slam on the brakes.

2. Drivers who flash their headlights at me.

1. Other cyclists who hog lanes.

I love:

10. Not having to squeeze onto a bus or train along with the entire world.

9. Getting to and from work on my own power. Freedom.

8. I get to work and home in the exact same amounts of time each way. Predictable.

7. Rain on the way home adds fun to the ride.

6. Saving money on the trains and buses that I don't take.

5. No need to join a gym.

4. Listening to music on the rides.

3. Beating traffic gridlocks.

2. Watching the sun set along Bukit Timah / Dunearn Road

1. Fresh air in the morning

Beast of Burden

No, I've not gotten around to buying a B.O.B. trailer yet. Although I certainly would like one some day.

I mean look at it. It has a rear shock!

As all who know my preoccupation with all things bouncy would know (hmmm...), that shock seals the deal for me. Imma gonna have one some day.

Anywhoo, brought my typewriter to work today.

The bike looks good with some weight on it.

Something I'd never say to the ladies.

Three pins

Worked from home, hence the lack of a post.

I just spent an hour changing my flat, and that includes practice with the other bike. Because the last time I had to, I spent 45 minutes changing the flat tire on my Mojo.

What I discovered today for the third time: changing the tire on a Shimano Shadow derailleur-equipped bike is a real bitch.

I doubt I've ever bonked on a ride before, but bonking when changing a flat tire?

3 times and counting.

I am physically inept. Or my eyes are gone. Or I no longer have the hand-eye coordination of a man in his 20s.

Pick one. I'll go with 1. It's less humiliating. But it's actually all of these.